Donate Your Brain

Donate Your Brain supports the ongoing efforts of medical researchers in their effort to identify and catalog the pathological neurostructural and neurochemical changes that occur in addiction.  This information is crucial to prevent addiction and for the development of medical interventions in those suffering from this condition.  Our interest in this effort also includes the study of the genetic predisposition to addiction.

Similar to the recent efforts of the National Football League to identify and prevent TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), ongoing research is necessary to address the current situation and to prevent FDA approval of medications and substances causing similar neurological lesions. remains committed to public education and awareness that addiction is a neurological disorder that damages brain areas overcoming fundamental human processes of:

-forming and maintaining relationships

-controlling depression, anxiety, and loneliness

-regulating the normal human reward hierarchy

-awareness of and response to the emotional states of others


Here is a list of links to research centers involved in collecting brain specimens for research:

Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center

The VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank (Boston University)

Mount Sinai NIH Brain and Tissue Repository

University of Miami Brain Endowment Bank

Brain Tissue Donation Program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

The Human Brain and Spinal Fluid Resource Center (HBSFRC) at UCLA

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